1 min read

Never Quit… Sometimes

When a smart person says “never quit,” what they really mean is “never quit so long as you are playing the right game for you and have a niche/edge.”

Consider basketball great Michael Jordan.

If you are Michael Jordan playing basketball for the UNC Tar Heels in 1982 or the Chicago Bulls in 1996, sure thing - never quit. Right game, known edge.

On the other hand, if you are Michael Jordan playing baseball for the White Sox organization in 1994, maybe quit. Wrong game, questionable edge.

Or if you are Michael Jordan playing basketball for the Washington Wizards in 2003, maybe quit. Right game but time to retire, deservedly.

Strategy matters. If you are playing the right game for you and have an advantage - or are willing to work doggedly for the uncertain promise of a future advantage - go for it.

But if you are playing the wrong game for you or lack an edge, quitting is not failure: it is being kind to yourself and saving your energy for something greater.